Adrienne's Wee Chatterbox...Sharing our little adventures with you.

Adrienne Marie Photography is a full service, boutique style studio with a focus on environmental family portraits. Emotion and meaning are the key ingredients.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happiest Holidays, Everybody!

Yay for christmas! We've had a great week. Last week I spent in restaurants. My bank rep took me for brunch at Moxies, Three other photogs & I went to the Rusty Pelican for a lunch, then there was coffee with a chamber friend at the RP; our Independent Achievers executive meeting was a dinner at La Casa Pergola - which is AWESOME food. Some nice moms I know from school invited me along to coffee with them Friday morning, and then for drinks on Saturday - this is where we laughed so hard it was tough to breathe. You'd almost suspect me of having a social life.
My family and I spent christmas eve to boxing day in Edmonton...the location of TOO Much Food.
I met a super cool couple today, and they have taken June 9th. Once again, I'm left with the feeling that I have the best job ever. It's a reminder of the huge privilege it is to be invited into peoples lives as part of one of their most meaningful days, and to be trusted to capture who they really are.
I'm off now until January 8th, but will be checking my messages.
Have a wonderful holidays, and a gorgeous new year!!
Thank you to all of my clients for an enjoyable year, to to all the nice people I've met.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Free Huggs!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Profiles & Such

In 2007, I will be featuring a monthly (or more if there are some good ideas out there) profile of a business in the community that I deal with and for some reason, just love and want everybody else to know about. This includes an upscale business that has recently been sold. It'll be official January 1, 2007.
If you know of a business or organisation that cares about service, or exhibits high standards in a way that hits home with you, let me know about them, and I'll ambush them with my camera! ...That's not strictly true...I get their permission before any ambushing takes place. For real!
Above is a couple with a most gorgeous holiday festive looking home. It's a mini Festival of Trees.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mrs. Miss Ms.

My very first wedding couple has come back for Couple Portraits. They brought me hot chocolate. I love chocolate, hot or otherwise.
At Heritage Ranch there was this nutty little dog that kept bringing a stick, then growling. It wanted to play tug of war...or, 'hey you; throw my stick! ' I tried to throw his stick, but he hung on tight. What a funny dog.
I've never liked the word (or non word) Mrs. It's pronounced oddly, looking at the spelling.
I looked it up because my impossibly cute 8 year old wonders where such a goody word comes from. I go to great pains to avoid being called Mrs. Corcoran. It makes me feel like a frumpy old lump dressed in beige Melton, complete with stuffy hat and ugly clutch purse. The unmistakably peevish sound of Ms. (miz) doesn't do much more for me. Mrs. has a happier history - it's short for Mistress. I like that much better. Anyone wanting to call me Mistress has my full blessing. It sounds so much more mysterious...titillating even! Even if it just means that I am married; although, I really like that part!

Etymology: Mrs. abbreviation of mistress; Mesdames from French, plural of
Madame1 a -- used as a conventional title of courtesy except when usage requires
the substitution of a title of rank or an honorific or professional title before
a married woman's surname b -- used before the name of
a place (as a country or city) or of a profession or activity (as a sport) or
before some epithet (as clever) to form a title applied to a married woman
viewed or recognized as representative of the thing indicated