The Opening was a super time. We'll likely do it again to bring in summer. The studio has been humming, and Jeremy and I have been enjoying a few engagement sessions. Jasper was beautiful! Chantal from Illuminations has been working her magic, and is our make-up artist for weddings this year. So much wonderful stuff is happening, it's hard to believe how frantic the pace has gotten. Christa will be starting with us on Monday, and will be taking over the Marketing and Client Contact Coordinator position from Stacey, who will be leaving us to be at home with her two tiny boys.
On the horizon, we leave for Manzanillo on the 22nd to photograph Kristie & Mike's wedding. The resort is so gorgeous with white walls, arches, steps ( a major feature there...lots of steps!), the ocean of course! This is going to be so fantastic.
We are loving the new house, too. Darlene Grasdal from
House to Home is a client of ours, and took care of the decorating of our living room / dining area. What a difference her know how and shopping sense made! It's a whole new space. I can't recommend her enough.
The Home Show was a really worthwhile weekend again this year. We met lots of new
people who want portraits over the next year, and saw SO MANY of our regular clients.
Personally, I'm working on my organizational skills. It's slow but steady. I hired a super-woman (think super hero) to come in and clean the house every two weeks. It always seemed like a frivolous extravagance to have someone else do the house cleaning, but it's kind of a sanity saver when my time at home is so limited. I'd rather be doing things I like!
We desperately need to unpack our garage. Once we got moved in, it seems like that's the spot we piled the boxes, and it's a trickle of things now that make it in the house. It's all got a place, but procrastination lives there.
Ahh well.