Crazy, COOL Week!

Last week I had EXCRUCIATINGLY painful Physio to fix my shinsplints, (Thanks, Keith Weber!) A night of working with Fred (who still rocks), Lunch with Vicki Reid (Living Images), a SUPER wedding on Saturday, and early flight on Sunday and now I'm at Image Explorations in Victoria. WOW. I'm in a great class with an amazing teacher and young Jonathan Elhard, the Shiny new face of Traptow Photography. No sleep, too much Corona, and Fun, fun, fun.
Wednesday night is costume night, and my costume (saloon girl) did not turn out too badly at all.
I'll post a pic if I'm not looking too...uh...tipsy.
Congrats Amanda & Scott! You two are awesome, and your wedding was SO much fun. I love your family!
Thank you Cara Liddell for saving my bacon and being my assistant on Saturday too!

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