Indian Wedding - Edmonton

Whoa...I've seen some nice weddings, some big parties...but now I'm sure that it's Indian families who invented fun and gorgeous events. Nobody rocks like them, nobody dresses like them.
The colours are SO rich! The grooms's Mom even mentioned shopping in India for the wedding. Talk about doing it up right. These are amazing people.
My family and I came up to visit with my husband's Mom now that she's out of the hospital, and Fred Katz called. He is a highly accomplished, talented photographer in Edmonton, and someone I know through the Alberta Professional Photographers Asscociation. There is a mentorship program of sorts (very informal at the moment) within the association, whereby one photographer can learn, study under, or work alongside other photographers. Photography and the surrounding business end is a never ending learning experience. I've asked Fred if I can learn from him for a while, and he graciously said yes. So, back to Saturday - Fred was in between events for an Indian wedding, and since I'm in town, he allowed me to tag along, shoot, help with set up, etc.
He is universally known as a super person, and he only confirms that impression for me. Fred is a genuine professional who loves his work. What an amazing honour just to set up his lights, never mind running around shooting for him;but he did let me shoot!
These are some of the images I got. They belong to Fred for copyright and sale purposes, but because he's the nicest person alive, he's allowing me to use them. Photographers do not have to do that - allow second shooters to use images shot under them.
This is going to be a great summer. Not only do I have family trips and my own weddings, families, and events to shoot, I get to learn from Fred Katz. Thank you, Fred! You rock.

At 07 July, 2006 00:23,
Gary said…
Beautiful photos indeed. You visited my blog (and I yours) a year ago, when I was just beginning. Nice to see you're still at it.
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