Living Vicariously *sigh*

My little (younger, taller) brother is galavanting through Europe. He, our mom, & his girlfriend went together to London. They left my mom there to be set loose on the tour operators, and are currently in Venice. I'm a little envious. ...of them...not the London Tour Operators, who, if my brohter is to be believed, act as though they have a most horrible job. I think if I had to vist the Dianna & Dodi shrine everyday, I might come off as peevish too. (as you can tell, my brother is terriblely choked up by it)
That looks so Pretty! After laying waste to vast quantities of Italian wine, chocolate, and cheese, they're back to London for all of a day before flying to Africa. I'll be watching from here, enjoying his trip...from my office chair.

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