Grand Miscellany

Things happen so fast these days. I can't decide if it's my age, or my love for slower pace that drives this insane feeling of just hanging on to the merry-go-round.
In mid August, I ran the ING half marathon in Edmonton. The course took us through some beautiful neighbourhoods, along the river, through the downtown. In spite of my under trained state, I really enjoyed those parts of it. The pain part was less enjoyable, but I'll probably still do the Okanagan half at Thanksgiving. Better training makes all the difference.
Speaking of better training, I'm slowly working my way back to a fitter me. So much time in front of the computer working has NOT been nice for the size of my pants.
One to 1 Fitness is just newly opened, and that's where I am two mornings a week. They've got a really nice, UNcrowded spot in Cronquist Business Park.
Last week the kids & I enjoyed a hike with the Central Alberta Mountain Club. On the trail we found a free range Border Collie (Violet) who had given her owner the slip. We brought her home with us and left a note at the trailhead. The owner came down the next day to get her. She was a nice dog, but very shy of us. Young, frisky Jake LOVED her...a little more than the 10 year old Violet would have liked.
The rest of the week has been all about the de-clutter and clean up of our house. We are selling this one, and crossing our fingers on another one. The whole real estate thing is for people with better nerves than me.
Tomorrow is Matt & Naomi's wedding. I'm really looking forward to that. They are really cool, and just easy to mesh with. It's funny when work is the most relaxing thing going for me this week, but I LOVE it. Photography is the best job in the world.
Labels: Best Job Ever, Hiking, Personal stuff