
For my Birthday I got a grand worth of office furniture from Ikea. I've been assembling it for 3 days, and the office cleanup will be a project in perpetuity. Won't the recycling people be surprised! The horizontal filing (not Fling! - that's a photo package) system will never be vanquished. Like so many photographers, there's a darn good chance the ADD jokes aren't just jokes. I got beautiful flowers from my mom, $$$ from my Auntie Gladys, $ from my little Granny, and an e-mail 'OH, by the way' from my brother.
The cake is my husband's doing. It was delicious....and yes...it really does say Warden. He's been calling me that since our first two kids were toddlers, oddly enough, back when I was most un-warden like. Ha ha! It's funny now, man. Lights out!!!

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