Finding What's good...

Yikes. WE've been in Edmonton a LOT lately. My Mother in Law's surgery went ok. At first. I saw her last Wednesday night after the Professional Photographers of Alberta meeting. She knew who I was, what day it was, and seemed quite well for all the tubes coming out of her. They removed several organs and bits. Then came the 'complications' they'd warned her of. She went from lucid, aware and healing to near dead in the space of a day. After a surprise second trip to the operating room late saturday night all the Dr.'s could say was that she was alive. That all by itself was apparently a major victory, because it had not looked so certain during the day. Her quality of life will be seriously different when she gets out. My husband was so shaken after the Dr. prepared him for the worst. My kids are worried about Gramma, and sick of the Royal Alex Hospital. I'm not sure they'd like another one any better. Aunt Jeannie (MiL's Sister) had come from New Zealand to be with her. She is a super cool person. Like my husband, totally good in a crisis. She had to leave on Tuesday morning as was feeling quite regretful about it. Hopefully she'll make it back in a month.
Kevin (Mr. Me) and I took some time to hit the park with the kids and just have some fun.
We'll be spending a lot of time in Edmonton with the family over the next few weeks, still taking calls when we are not at the hospital.

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