Playing Catch up!

This past autumn has been a bit of a breathless blur. First, we moved to a new house. That was a very tense time of financing and nail biting. Our eldest daughter is in Treehouse Youth Theater, and they performed Fiddler on the Roof in mid-September. They also just completed Ho, Ho, Oh! at the Scott Block. That's a lot of driving for moms everywhere! There were many lunches, visits, meetings, parties, and shipping issues. Oh man, there were serious shipping issues.
There was photography of course, and we've been so focused on finishing our autumn orders, there has been very little blogging, and almost no Facebook.
Things are finally becoming manageable again, and we've got some very exciting news!
We are moving into a little studio space at the beginning of January, and it will officially open Early February. It was just time to get the equipment out of the house, get somewhere a little more central, and give Stacey a place she can work without me having to be there.
So now, a little bit of catch - up for a few of the pics I neglected to get up here over the last couple of months.
Do expect an invite to the grand opening of the humble little studio. We'll make a little splash!

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